U-PLAN is the first international conference series held by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung.
For this edition, the conference title will be: “Future Challenges of Inclusive, Responsive, and Innovative Spatial Planning”. The Conference will focus on the role of planning at different scale (from strategies to projects) for sustainable environment and sustainable urban development.
The U-PLAN 2025 Conference invites students, researchers, and practitioners to present their work and forge partnerships for transdisciplinary research and multilateral action.


  1. Urban Sustainability (including transportation, construction, urban design, planning).
  2. Climate change adaptation & mitigation.
  3. Disaster risk reduction and management.
  4. Land/terrestrial resources planning and management.
  5. Coastal/marine resources planning and management.
  6. Human health and well-being.
  7. Gender and inclusive urban planning.
  8. Smart solutions and technologies for sustainable development.
  9. Geospatial earth data to support the restoration of soil ecosystems and implications for spatial planning
  10. Water resources planning and management.
  11. Food resources planning and management.
  12. Geopolitics for spatial planning.


Full paper submissionJanuary, 20th, 2025
Notification of acceptanceFebruary, 20th, 2025
Camera ready paper deadlineMarch, 25th, 2025
Conference dateApril, 22nd – 23th, 2025




Papers Registration

Link Paper Template


Faculty of Engineering Sultan Agung Islamic University